Joint Venture
ARIA AAAX was formed with a presence and expertise in Western Australia coupled with an international trading focus provided by ARIA. Being based in Perth, Western Australia allows ARIA AAAX to have an in depth understanding of the local logistics, supply and quality, whilst the international team working to understand wider markets analysing supply and demand dislocations.

Aria AAAX utilises the settlement services provided by Clear Grain Exchange for all its grower contracts. This provides a uniquely efficient and secure payment service where the grower retains the title of their grain until payment has been made in full. The Clear Grain Exchange system reduces credit risk as both the grain title from the seller and cash from the buyer are placed in a trust, once all contractual obligations have been met, the trade is settled ensuring growers are protected. All associated invoices and paperwork is sent to your email and available at any time in your online account which includes all disbursements of statutory levies and end point royalties. With the market currently the most volatile we have seen in many years, security of payment is more important than ever.
Secure Payment